Monday, August 31, 2009

GMAT Exam Preparation Materials

In my previous post I have posted GMAT sentence correction tips. I hope you will find them helpful. In this article and future articles I would like to share all the GMAT material that I used during my test preparation. I DO NOT CLAIM the ownership of these files. I have gleaned all these files from internet over a very long period of time and you can as well spend some time and search for these file on line. I am trying to help you all providing/sharing all links at one place.

Good luck on your preparation.

Below are the links to files. Go grab them and prepare good for the exam:

9 MINI Sentence Correction Test with Answers

Official Guide Sentence Correction Section

Sentence Correction Useful Notes from Test Magic Site

4 Full GMAT Practice Tests

Good Luck again...

Check back for more GMAT material...


Share Your Files and Make Decent Money


I have come across a new uploadsite where you can upload your files and share them with others and make decent money. I have tried using many other file upload sites in the past but never made any decent money. Other sites offer $1 for 1000 downloads. But the site I am going to introduce to you all in this article pay up to 60 cents for 1 download. And I think thats a great offer.

So try it out and generate money that might lead to a decent second income.

Finally, no more wait...below is the link...


Good Luck.


Better Hair with Henna Powder

How to mix henna and apply in order for hair to become smooth:

Henna powder-2 cups.

Amla powder-1/2 cup.

Methi powder- 1 and 1/2 teaspoon.

Yogurt- 2 tablespoons.

Lemon juice- 2 tablespoons.

Filtered Tea (without any other contents) - 1/2 cup.

Mixing process:

Take a bowl and put all ingredients into it and mix it good.

Let the contents stay for 2 hrs.

Apply the paste to your hair carefully and fully.
Cover your hair with a platic bag or some kind of disposable cover.

Wait for 45 to 60 minutes before you wash your hair.
Do not shampoo your hair on this day.
Clean the hair with shampoo on next day.

Tip: By using Methi powder dandruff will reduce. Do it twice a month.

For shining and conditioning hair:

Henna powder-1cup.

Amla powder- 1/2 cup.

Aloe vera juice- 1/2 cup.

Egg white- 2.

Coconut oil- 2 tablespoon.

Lemon juice - 3 tablespoon.


Mix all ingredients except egg whites and keep the mixture aside for 2 hrs.

Mix egg whites before applying it to hair.

Apply henna to your hair carefully. Apply to hair roots for maximum results.
Cover your hair as mentioned above using a plastic bag.

Wash after 45 mins - 1hr.

Tip: If you put it for more than 1hr henna on your hair, there is a chance that your hair will become dry and it will become difficult to wash and hair may also fall. So be careful and do it for once a month.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tasty Indian Snack

Today I am going to to detail the process for making delicious Indian snack called - - Pesara pappu or Moong Dal Garelu/Vadalu


Pesera pappu or Moongdal-1 cup

Greenchillies-8 (you can add more if you want more spicy)

Salt as per taste

Jeera-1/2 teaspoon

Baking soda- pinch

Red chillie powder-1/2 teaspoon


Curry leaves-1 stem

plastic cover or a cloth to put mixture

  • Wash moongdal and soak it for 3hrs 
  • Later grind the moongdal coarsely add little water
  • Finely chop green chillies, onions and curry leaves and add them to the moongdal paste
  • Put kadai(a deep vessel) on medium heat on stove and pour oil for deep frying 
  • When the oil is heated, you are ready to put the moongdal mixture in to the vessel
  • Apply some oil to the plastic cover or to a cloth and then make small pieces in whatever shape you want of the moongdal mixture
  • Now add these pieces into the oil
  • Take them out from oil when they turn brown color
  • Continue this process until the mixture is completed.
  • You can check the taste after first round to see if you need to add some more green chillies or salt 
  •  Serve it your guest when they are hot
Tip: Serve it with chicken gravy or ketchup or any other chutney


Friday, August 28, 2009

Indian style Ground Turkey Masala


Ground turkey - 1Lb

 Green chillies- 5
 Red chilli powder- 1 1/2 table spoon
Coconut powder- 1 tablespoon
Powdered mixture of cloves,cardamom, cinnamon, shahi jeera -1 teaspoon (you can add more if you want more spicy). This mixture is also called "ground masala". It is the main ingredient.
Ginger garlic paste- 1 tablespoon
Corriander powder- 1/2 tablespoon
Turmeric- 1/2 teaspoon
Salt- as per taste
Oil- 2 tablespoon
Corriander leaves- half handful

  • Clean the Ground turkey.
  • Chopp onions, green chilies, and corriander leaves.
  • Put the vessel on medium heat and pour oil
  • After oil gets heated, put onions and cover the lid.
  • After onions become transparent add green chillies.
  • Add ginger garlic paste and mix everything good .
  • Now add turmeric, salt, red chilli powder, ground masala, corriander powder and coconut powder.
  • Mix everything good and add finally turkey
  • Let it cook for 20 more minutes. Check and mix the stuff in between.
  • Now remove the lid and let all the water evaporate.
  • Sprinkle corriander leaves and it is ready to serve.
Tip: Serve it with chapathi, puri, or plain rice it will taste awesome. I hope everyone enjoys my dish.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Andhra spicy fish curry in tamarind

Hey guys if you want to eat tangy and spicy fish curry,  then check this out..


  1. Fish - 2 medium sized
  2. Onions - 2
  3. tamarind- size of golf ball
  4. oil- 2 tbspn
  5. powdered mixture of cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, shahi jeera- 1 tablespoon ( you can add more if you want more spicy)
  6. red chilli powder- 2 table spoons ( for too hot)
  7. green chillies- 4
  8. salt- as per taste
  9. ginger garlic paste- 1 table spoon
  10. corriander leaves- as per the tasty
  11. coconut powder- 2 tablespoons
  12. turmeric- 1/2 tablespoon


  1. First clean the fish and keep it aside for few minutes.  Cleaning the fish is very important. You have make sure that it does not smell bad. Tip: Wash the fish with 1 tablespoon of wheat flour
  2. cut onions , green chilies, corriander leaves finely.
  3. soak tamarind for 20 mins in medium hot water
  4. take a frying pan and pour 1 tablespoon of oil. Fry onions until they turn brown and transparent. Add turmeric, red chillie poweder and add all other ingredients except fish,corriander leaves and tamarind.
  5. Let all the ingredients nicely fried. After which you can let the whole contents cool down for sometime and then grind into fine paste.
  6. Now take a deep vessel and pour oil .
  7. After oil gets heated put the previously grounded paste of all ingredients into oil and mix it with tamarind water.
  8. Let the water come to a slight boil and then add fish gently.
  9. Do Not mix the gravy often because fish may fall apart into smaller pieces.
  10. The dish is done with the fish becomes tender.
  11. Garnish with corriander leaves
Tip: Eat this dish the next day for more and better taste. Or serve it with cold rice instead of hot rice. Sounds weird but thats the magic of this dish...


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

GMAT Sentence Correction Tips

I wanted to share my "Road to GMAT" experiences now that I have completed experiencing it. Also I would like to share my notes and knowledge. In this article I am providing a kind of cheat sheet for cracking GMAT sentence correction questions. I was able to solve all most all questions following these rules. All these rules can be found in many places and I must admit that I have gleaned them from various places and created a cheat sheet for myself. So I don't consider all of this to be my work but may be a portion of it is mine. But I hope this article would help all the GMAT test takers. Good Luck to you all.

 Rules about Verbs:

  • A verb must agree with its subject in number
  • when checking agreement, ignore any words or phrases that separate a verb from its subject
  • Collective nouns are usually singular 
  • The number is singular; a number is plural
  • Pronouns ending in -one,-body,and -thing are singular
  • The SANAM pronouns- some, any, none, all, and most - may be either singular or plural. This is decided by looking at the object.
  • Verb tenses must reflect the sequence of events accurately
  • Always use the past participle form of a verb with the helping verb to have
  • Use the correct past tense and past participle forms of irregular verbs.

Rules about Modifying Phrases:
  • A modifying phrase must modify a word or phrase appearing in the sentence
  • A modifying phrase must be next to what it modifies.

Rules about Grammatical and Logical Consistency
  • Items in a list must be grammatically parallel.
  • Two things being compared must be grammatically parallel.
  • Two things being compared must be logically similar.
  • A subject and its complement must be logically consistent.
  • Use adjectives to modify nouns or pronouns; use adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives, or adverbs.
  • use a comparative adjective or adverb to compare two things; use a superlative for three or more.
  • Distinguish among the adjective good, the adverb well, and the adjective well.
Rules about Pronouns:
  • A pronoun must have a clear and logical antecedent. 
  • The antecedent of a pronoun must be a noun. (Or another pronoun)
  • A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number.
  • Use second and third person pronouns consistently.
Rules about connecting clauses:
  • Choose the logical conjunction.
  • Use a semicolon to connect two independent clauses.
  • Avoid run-on sentences.
  • Avoid sentence fragments.

Rules about verbosity:
  • Avoid needless repetition.
  • Eliminate the words when this can be done without sacrificing grace, clarity, or meaning.
  • Avoid needless use of the passive construction.
  • When idiomatic paired phrases are used, always complete the idiom.
  • Distinguish gerunds from infinitives.
  • Distinguish likely from liable.
  • Distinguish like from as.
  • Distinguish countable quantities from quantities that cannot be counted.
  • Use the idiomatic preposition.
Rules for other sources:
  • To join two independent clauses, use a comma followed by a conjunction, a semicolon alone, or a semicolon followed by a sentence modifier. 
  • Use commas to enclose nonrestrictive clauses or phrases, which are not essential to the sentece's meaning.
  • Do not use commas to bracket phrases that are essential to a sentece's meaning. 
  • When beginning a sentence with an introductory phrase or an introductory (dependent) clause, include a comma.
  • To indicate possession, end a singular noun with an apostrophe followed by an "s". Otherwise, the noun's form seems plural.
  • Use proper punctuation to integrate a quotation into a sentence. If the introductory material is an independent clause, add the quotation after a colon. If the introductory material ends in "thinks," "saying," or some other verb indicating expression, use a comma.
In short:

 The below should be your thought process while solving a sentence correction problem:
  • Find the verb, then its subject. Check subject-verb agreement, correct tense and proper verb information.
  • Examine all pronouns. Make sure each has a clear antecedent with which it agrees in person and number.
  • Look for wobbling fo the sentence structure. Make sure modifiers are attached to what they modify, parallel ideas are grammatically parallel, and comparisons are clear and logical.
  • Listen for awkwardness, verbosity, and incorrect use of idioms.

If you like my ideas and notes, please consider donating:


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Data Import from MS Excel to SQL Server 2000/2005

Today I was puzzled to see unexpected results when I tried to do a relatively simple task. I had a excel file and I wanted to import the data from this file into a table in SQL Server 2000/2005. The excel file consisted of many columns of various data types a.k.a intermixed data types. When I imported the file into SQL Server and checked the table, I was surprised to see NULL values for some columnswhen the data acutally existed for those columns in the original excel file. After little bit investigation I learned that the data driver during this taks looks only at the first 8 rows of the data for any column to decide its data type. For some of my columns the first 8 rows had NULL values and when I did the import all the column values were resulted in NULLS even though when the original file had some non-NULL values.

Then I made all the columns on my excel sheet as text using format cells option(to eliminate the intermixed data types issue) but that did not work. I still got the NULL values for some columns.

Finally I got it working when I first imported the data into MS Access db and then imported the MS Access table into SQL Server. I also learned that using flat files instead of excel files would also solve the problem.

The seemingly simple task wasn't actually simple ;). Everyday there is something new to learn.


Accounts recievables

Lets try to understand one of the most important terms that you come across in the accouting world. It is Accounts Receiveable (in short it is generally written as A/R).

If a company sells a good or service to the customer on credit (lets say $1,000). The company will make the following entry in its Balance Sheet. The below is how a Delta Balance sheet will look for this transaction:



In other way


On the other hand the below entry is made by the customer (may be an
individual or another firm) in his/her balance sheet



Now that leads us to another important term Accounts Payable denoted as A/P.


Semiya payasam - Tasty Indian Dessert


Semiya (vercelli)- 1 cup

Cashew nuts- 1tbspn

Raisins- 1 tbspn

Almonds- 1 tbspn

Water- 3/4 cup

Sugar or jaggery- 1 cup

saffron- pinch(optional)

milk - 1 cup

cardamom- 4-5 pods

Ghee- for frying nuts and semiya


* Heat the ghee and fry the semiya and vercelli till it turns light brown color

* Take a vessel and pour water cover with a lid and let it boil on medium heat.

* After water gets boil put the fried semiya in the water.

* When the semiya becomes soft add sugar or jaggery and mix it well.

* Now put saffron in the milk and pour the milk into the semiya.

* Let it become slightly thick and then off the stove

* Fry the nuts in the ghee and add them to the semiya.

* Serve it cold or hot to the guests.

Tip: If you think the semiya is too sweet for you, then you can add some milk in order to reduce the sweetness.

I hope everyone enjoys this dish.


Mini Mirchi Bajji - Delicious and Hot Indian Snack


Besan (gram flour or senaga pindi)-1 small cup

maida ( all purpose flour) -2 tablespoons

baking soda- 2 small pinchs

red chilli powder- 1 tea spoon

green c hillies- 4 finely chopped

onion- 1/2 small onion finely chopped

salt - as per taste

curry leaves- 8 leaves finely chopped

corriander leave- small handfull finely chopped

water - to mix everything

oil- for deep frying


 * First take a bowl and then put everything except oil and water

* Pour water and mix everything. Paste should not be too thick or too light. You should be able to take the paste with hand and put it in oil.

* Now check the taste and if you want more spicy you can put some more chilli powder or green chillies and also you can add salt if you want.

* Now on the stove and put kadai on medium heat and pour oil

* When the oil gets heated take the paste into your hand and drop it into oil as small balls.

* When the bajjis are turning from light brown to dark brown take them from oil and put them on paper towel so that extra oil gets absorbed by the paper

Thats it. Delicious bajjis are ready !!!

Tip: Serve it with ketchup or any other chutney.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Beauty Tips

Below are some beauty tips that i know :)

  • for glowing face mix 1 tbspn honey and milk and apply for face. wash after 15 mins this will shine your face instantly
  • mix 1 tbspn of honey with 1 tbspn of leamon juice and apply for face after 15 mins wash it with slightly warm water. for nice glowing face.
  • in a vessel pour water and boil when water gets boiled steam your face for 5 mins this will make your face clean don't put your face too close to the vessel that will burn your face.
  • for shining and volumed hair take egg yolks and apply for hair and let it stay for half an hour not more than that. after half an hour wash it with shampoo nicely otherwise it will smell badly.
  • Are you spending lot of money on buying different colors of nail polishes...try my idea and see if it works for you...
    1. first apply a lighter color nail polish on the nails
    2. after few seconds apply a darker color nail polish
    thats it...and see the effects...


Pulihora or Tamarind Rice or Tiger Rice

In south india everyone calls this as Pulihora, Tamarind rice or Tiger rice

Take a look at the below picture...doesn't it look yummy?


raw rice- 1 glass
Tamarind- leamon size
turmeric- 3/4 tsp
red mirchi- 4
green chillies- 7
salt- as per taste
fenugreek seeds- 4
jeera - 2 small pinches
hing- 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
curry leaves- handful
oil-2 tbspn
peanuts- 2 full tbspn ( if want more u can put more)


1. wash rice and cook rice. for 1 glass rice pour 2 glasses of water.

2. mean while soak tamarind.

3. after rice is cooked well. take pulp of tamarind

4. put the vessel on stove on medium heat and pour oil

5. after oil gets heated put peanuts after peanuts become light brown.

6. put red chillies, fenugreek seeds, jeera, greenchillies and put turmeric.

7. after everything is nicely cooked put hing and curry leaves and salt.

8. pour the tamarind extract and close the lid

9. after the tamarind extract starts boiling remove the lid

10. let it stay until 5 to 10 mins

11. now check the taste and off the stove and pour everything on the cooked rice.

12. mix everything well and serve hot.


Sri Mahalakshmi Ashtakam

Om namasthe sthu maha maye sri peete surapujithe !
Shanka chakra gadhahaste mahalakshmi namo sthute !!

namsthe garudha roode dholasura bhayankari !
Sarva papahare devi mahalakshmi namo sthuthe!!

Sarvagne sarvavandheshu, sarva dushta bhayankari !
sarva dukha hare devi, mahalakshmi namo sthuthe !!

siddi buddi pradedevi, bhukthi mukthi pradayani!
manthramurthi sadadevi, mahalakshmi namo sthuthe !!

adyanthi rahithe devi, adishakthi maheshwari !
yogagne yoga sambuthe mahalakshmi namo sthuthe !!

sthula sookshma maharodre, mahashakthi mahodhare!
srvapapa hare devi mahalakshmi namo sthuthe!!

padmasana sthithe devi, parabrahma swarupini !
parmeshi jaganmatha rmahalakshmi namo sthuthe!!

shwethambaradhare devi, nanalankara bhushithe !
jagath sthithe janmatha rmahalakshmi namo sthuthe!!

mahalakshmyashtakam sthothram, yahapatethbakthi mannaraha!
sarvasiddi mavapnothi rajyam prapnothi sarvada!!

eka kaale patenithyam, mahapapam vinashanam!
dvikalam yahapatenithyam dhana dhanya samanvithaha!!
trikalam yahapatenithyam mahashathru vinashanam!
mahalakshmeerbhavinithyam prasannavaradho shubha !!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stock Trading Rules

I have been trading stocks for the past couple of years and have gone through lot of experiences during this period. Being a newbie I did lot of mistakes in the beginning days of trading. However I guess I have learned a lot from these mistakes. I have set own rules for myself and trying :) to follow these rules always. Below are some rules that I set and hope will help other investors who are new to this risky game...












12. Never buy penny stocks

13. Never buy stocks based on the suggestions that you get through some emails.

14. Never fall in love with a stock. Always take profits.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Six Pack Abs

Trying to get Six Pack Abs is not a joke. It takes lot of efforts and patience. I have come across one of the best videos on youtube in which a guy show few workouts. I have been trying these workouts and seeing good results. There are so many other videos on the "Getting the six pack abs" topic but I like this one the most.

Here is the Video:


Hyderabadi Spicy Chicken Recipe

If you want to eat nice and tasty Hyderabadi spicy chicken, then here is the quick and easy recipe...


2lb fresh chicken
2tbl spoons red chilli powder (for medium hot)
1/4tbsp turmeric
1/2 tbsp ginger garlic paste
1/4 tbsp cinammon, cloves, cardmom, shahi jeera powder
1/2 tbsp corriander powder
1/2 tbsp freshly ground coconut powder
2tbspn oil
1 onion
3 green chillies
corriander leaves


  1. First, cut chicken into pieces and clean the chicken well.
  2. Cut onions and green chillies.
  3. Take a bowl and then mix all the ingredients together except corriander leaves.
  4. Take a deep vessel and put it on medium heat.
  5. Pour oil
  6. After oil gets heated put the previously mixed ingredients in that oil .
  7. Take a spatula and mix everything really good and then close the lid.
  8. After sometime pour some water ( if the water that chicken oozed out is not there)
  9. After chicken is cooked well take the lid and let the gravy thicken.
  10. Finally garnish with fresh corriander leaves and serve it with white rice or fried rice.
Enjoy and please leave comments to let me know if you like the recipe !!!


Aloo Kurma

The recipe for Simple and delicious aloo kurma


2 Aloo (Potatoes)
4 green chillies chopped finely
half onion chopped finely
salt as per taste
pinch of turmeric
1/2 teaspoon of ginger garlic paste
1/2 teaspoon of corriander powder
2tbsp oil


  1. First peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes.
  2. Boil the cubes in water until they are medium soft around 10 mins in microwave oven
  3. Now drain the water and put potatoes aside.
  4. take a non stick pan and pour oil.
  5. after oil gets heated add chopped onions, green chillie and then cover the lid for 2 minutes until onions are transparent.
  6. After onions become transparent add ginger garlic paste and mix it well until ginger garlic paste blends nicely.
  7. add turmeric, salt, if you also want to add chillie powder you can add at this point of time depending on your spiceness.
  8. now add potatoes and mix everything well.
  9. don't cover the lid let it stay until potatoes are turned slight brown.
  10. garnish with corriander leaves and the dish is ready to serve
Tip: serve it with puri, it will taste awesome.


Telugu Movie Sites

Here are some sites everyone can watch Indian movies online ..

In the above mentioned websites there are lot of telugu old movies, new movies, hindi movies, tv programs and so many....

Enjoy everyone.


Aloe Vera Gel

If your skin is sensitive and having blemishes, scars then i think this product will be better to use..

Here is the product name.

Aloe Vera Gel (Moisturizes dry and sun damaged skin) alcohol free, fragrance free. cools and soothes naturally.

I bought this product at walgreens for $2.99

Pros: fragrance free, Low Price, Alcohol free

Cons: may be little bit greasy.

To get nice results should use continuously in the morning and before going to bed for minimum 2 months.


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Hello and Welcome to my blog!

In this blog I would like to share information and ideas on various topics. As my blog title says you all can gather around and get good and valuable information quickly and easily.

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In this blog you will find simple but great ideas on various topics ranging from food recipes to investment strategies. I hope the ideas presented in this blog will help you all in some way or other. Also included are the recent and hot news around the world...

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