Performance Feedback
I recently completed the Human Resources for Competitive Advantage class and want to share some notes/ cheat sheets on various topics. Hope these notes will help other students.
Performance feedback:
-Person’s process output is referred as input
-To adapt to environmental change
-It enables learning
-It can affect feelings, self confidence and self esteem
-Influencing attitudes, behavior and performance
-Critical for org and individual success
Difficult and important ?
-Ability to constructively give and rescue feedback is a professional competency.
-Flatter, high interdependence, team focused, change oriented organization
-Performance feedback process is complex and provokes anxiety for both the manager and the employee, few of us feel comfortable sitting in judgment of others.
-The thought of confronting others with what we perceive to be their deficiencies causes most of us to shake in our shoes,
-If giving negative feedback is painful, receiving it can be excruciating.
-Thus the complexity yet importance of the Performance feedback process
-Directs and motivates behavior
-Has reward value
-Increases self awareness
-Engagement in self assessment
-Enhances individual learning
-Increases perception of power and control
-Increases employee’s sense of involvement
-Helps form career identity and direction
Characteristics of effective performance feedback:
-Job related
-Desired by the recipient
-Checked for understanding
-Credible source
-Allowing choice
-Training program
-Problem solving and 360 degrees performance feedback/ action focused/ key dimensions and precise.
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