HR Management - Careers
I recently completed the Human Resources for Competitive Advantage class and want to share some notes/ cheat sheets on various topics. Hope these notes will help other students.
-A sequence of work experiences and employment positions over one’s work life.
-Longitudinal concept devoid of personal factors
-Pattern of work related experiences that span the course of a person’s life
-Work experiences include positions, job experiences, and tasks.
-Work experiences are influenced by employee’s values, needs and feelings
Employees’ career needs vary depending on then stage of career development and their biological age.
-Stages: Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, Disengagement
It is thus important for managers to understand the career development process and the differences an employees’ needs and interests at each stage of development
Factors: Experience and knowledge, Personal abilities and aptitudes, Social economics and environmental
Protean career
Is a process in which the person, not the organization, is managing. It consists of all of the person’s varied experiences in education, training, work in several organization, changes in occupational field etc. The protean person’s own personal career choices and search for self-fulfillment are the unifying or intergrative elements in his or her life. The criticism of success is internal and not external.
Goals: Freedom and growth, Mobility is high
Success criteria are subjective (psychological success) vs. objective (position, salary level)
Issue Protean career Traditional org career
Who’s in charge Person Org
Core values Freedom, growth Advancement
Degree of mobility High low
Success criteria psychological success Position, level, salary
Key attitudes work satisfaction, professional Organizational commitment
Careers-New contract and organizational career management systems:
-No guarantee of: Employment security, Stability in job responsibilities, Defined benefits in pension, Opportunities for hierarchical career movement
-Offer: Continuous learning, Performance based compensation, Increased flexibility in schedules and multitasking, Defined contribution retirement plans that are portable
OCM System :
-Openness with employees
-Develop and maintain open internal labor markets
-Define identifiable career paths/possibilities/opportunities in the org career path
-Give accurate performance feedback and potential assessment to each employee
-Provide guidance and counseling to assist employees in defining career plans and goals
-Provide access to necessary training and competency development for employees to program toward career objectives.
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