Job Evaluation
I recently completed the Human Resources for Competitive Advantage class and want to share some notes/ cheat sheets on various topics. Hope these notes will help other students.
Job evaluation:
-Job evaluation is a systematic process of arranging jobs in a hierarchy of relative worth to the organization.
-Provides the basis for pay differentials among jobs
-Establish internal equity
-Employees understand basis for pay
-Setting pays for new jobs
-Rationalize pay setting process
-Basis for resolving disputes over pay
4 methods: grade, ranking, point-factor, factor companion of job evaluation.
Point factor: (hay plan)
-Yields job evaluation points for each compensable factor
-Generate scores for each compensable factor on each job
-Apply weighting scheme
Aprior weight
Empiric/ weights
Based on: Know-how, Problem solving, accountability
Stable over time, high agreement with ratings if jobs are carefully defined, documented process
-Time consuming and costly to establish
-Subjective assessment needed to establish point range
-Typically relies on key jobs within the org.
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