Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Education in American Schools

The extent to which the American schools should be blamed for failing to equip students with essential math, science and language skills is interesting and debatable. Some argue that education system in schools is rigid and boring, while others argue that the students are lazy and uninterested. Likewise, many others argue that one or the other is fully responsible for students not possessing adequate math, science and language skills to compete in a global world economy. In reality, there exist problems with everyone including and surrounding the education system in America. Not only students should be blamed for being poor in math, science and language skills but also teachers, school system and political system should be equally blamed. In order for American students to be able to successfully compete with international students in a global world economy, everyone should take a responsibility to correct oneself and work hard.

    Education system in American schools includes a boring and rigid curriculum that does not motivate students. Many considered it to be a “deadly routine and forced schooling, which includes six classes a day, five days a week, and nine months a year, for twelve years” (Gatto 153). The students are still using out-dated textbooks and are evaluated and differentiated on the basis of standardized testing and grading rules. “There is also shortage of teachers in America because of which schools are hiring teachers from other countries, including China, France and Hungary” (Moore 140). Also, some U.S. public schools have bad facilities such as inadequate buildings and no libraries (Moore 141, Kozol 244). In addition to this, political system in the U.S is also degrading the school systems.

    Political leaders are mostly not interested in the schools and are not funding schools and libraries. But, on the other hand, they complain that schools are not equipping students with necessary skills to compete with other students internationally. These political leaders, instead of accepting their own faults, are blaming the teachers and students (Moore 142, Kozol 245). The other issue that political leaders ignore is the racial segregation that is seen in schools (Kozol 245). In some public schools, more than 90% of the students enrolled were either Black or Hispanic (Kozol 239). Segregation gives rise to the inequalities in the education system. Some schools offer poor education to students because they can only afford to pay poorly trained teachers.

    Teachers, who are also the products of rigid school system just like the students, are bored and unmotivated. They lacked energy and were not interested in making efforts to change their boring teaching styles. There are some teachers who worked hard but mostly the teachers lacked inventiveness and had no idea how to encourage students to bring out their imaginations and intuitions (Rose 164). Some teachers don’t even seem to know their subject and are not interested to put any effort to learn it and teach the subject in a better way (Gatto 152). They say that students are only interested in grades and not interested in learning the subject.

    Students, on the other hand, say that teachers are boring and their teaching does not make sense. In addition, students are lazy and are distracted by many elements such as parties, fraternities and other extra-curricular activities. Although, American students and Americans in general, are smart people, they spend their minds in learning unnecessary things. According to Gatto, Americans are geniuses and can answer obscure trivia questions at the rate of four seconds a question. But these students, who possess such intelligence, do not show interest in the numbers and are scared to learn subjects such as Algebra, Calculus etc. Even, if there are some students who are imaginative and wanting to learn beyond subject textbook, they are getting discouraged because of the boring teachers, rigid curriculum and political influences.

    Political leaders ignore about the school systems, schools follow rigid curriculums, teachers say students are boring and lazy, and students say teachers are boring and poorly trained. The important question to think over is – Do we really need the school systems that are adversely affected by so many factors and people? Some people have become successful in their lives even without getting formal education from a school. Also, Malcolm says that one of the biggest problem with the colleges is there are two many distractions, and he himself became a successful individual learning on his own and without receiving any formal education.

    Only few people like Malcolm can possess such a strong determination to learn on their own. It is not possible for everyone to achieve success without formal education. “Schooling” and “Success” are thought as synonyms by many (Gatto 154). So, school systems are needed for sure, but there is a definite need for some changes. Usage of out-dated textbooks must be stopped. New books with current affairs and interests must be included in the curriculum. The curriculum should include interesting subjects and students should have the option to select the subjects they like and are interested in.  There should be some subjects that go beyond the textbook and classroom education in order to develop imaginativeness and inventiveness among the students. The curriculum must include at least one foreign language. Teachers should show interest in learning more and should make their teaching more interesting. They should try to follow methods that bring out the best from the students. In addition, students should not worry about the grades and should learn the subject. Finally, there should be no interference of any political force in the operation of the school systems beyond providing funding for educational related needs. These changes if implemented would definitely result in the better education system in the US, which can equip its students with necessary skills to compete successfully in the global world economy.   

Works Cited

Colombo, Gary, Robert Cullen and Bonnie Lyle. Rereading America. Seventh Edition.
New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007.
Gatto, John Taylor. “Against School.” Colombo 152-161.
Kozol, Jonathan. “Still Separate, Still Unequal.” Colombo 239-256.
Malcolm X. “Learning to Read.” Colombo 210-219.
Moore Michael, “Idiot Nation.” Colombo 132-150.
Rose, Mike. “I Just Wanna Be Average.” Colombo 161-173.


Monday, September 28, 2009


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Champions Trophy 2009

Champions Trophy 2009 has STARTED !!!

Super Eights
22 Sep 09 South Africa v Sri Lanka
23 Sep 09 Pakistan v West Indies
24 Sep 09 South Africa v New Zealand
25 Sep 09 Sri Lanka v England
26 Sep 09 Australia v West Indies
26 Sep 09 India v Pakistan
27 Sep 09 New Zealand v Sri Lanka
27 Sep 09 South Africa v England
28 Sep 09 Australia v India
29 Sep 09 New Zealand v England
30 Sep 09 Australia v Pakistan
30 Sep 09 India v West Indies

Semifinals - Knockout Stage
02 Oct 09 A1 v B2
03 Oct 09 B1 v A2

Check this blog for more information and videos...


Monday, September 21, 2009

Veet Rapid Aciton Hair Removal Lotion Review

In this article I wanted to share a review and hopefully an helpful tip to all women out there who got tired trying various hair removal products.

Like everyone else, I use razor to shave my unwanted hair. But with this procedure, my skin became black and I got lot of bumps and burns. I got fed up using razor so I started using Veet Rapid Aciton Hair Removal Lotion. This product is really awesome. Usually, I hate to use hair removal lotions but I loved this one. My unwanted hair was completely gone with in 4 mins. If your hair is thick, you should wait for max time that is mentioned on the product, but most of the hair will be removed with in 3-4 mins. Start using this product and get rid off all the pains from waxing, shaving etc

Pros: Quick and easy
         no bumps, burns etc
Cons: It doesn't smell that good

I highly recommend this product. It worked for me and I hope it will work for you also...Good Luck...


Monday, September 14, 2009

Places To visit and things to do in Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh has lot of nice places to visit and is voted one of the finest cities with numerous activities to do and with a great night life.
Indian Temples

Sri Venkateshwara swamy temple

Saibaba temple

Hindu jain temple


Carnegie science centre

Carnegie Museum

Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium


Rivers Casino


Margarita Mamas
Club Z


Robbinson Town center mall

South hills village mall

Ross Park mall

Centuary III mall

Other Activities

Gateway Clipper Cruise

Movie Theaters

Show Case Cinema

Showcase Cinemas Pittsburgh North
11 Screens SHOWTIMES >
9700 McKnight Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
(724) 935-5885

Showcase Cinemas Pittsburgh West
12 Screens SHOWTIMES >
Park Manor Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
(412) 787-5788

Carmike Cinemas

Will add more to the list..so keep checking...


Thursday, September 10, 2009

HR Management - Careers

I recently completed the Human Resources for Competitive Advantage class and want to share some notes/ cheat sheets on various topics. Hope these notes will help other students.


-A sequence of work experiences and employment positions over one’s work life.
-Longitudinal concept devoid of personal factors
-Pattern of work related experiences that span the course of a person’s life

-Work experiences include positions, job experiences, and tasks.
-Work experiences are influenced by employee’s values, needs and feelings

Employees’ career needs vary depending on then stage of career development and their biological age.
 -Stages:  Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, Disengagement

It is thus important for managers to understand the career development process and the differences an employees’ needs and interests at each stage of development
Factors: Experience and knowledge, Personal abilities and aptitudes, Social economics and environmental

Protean career
Is a process in which the person, not the organization, is managing. It consists of all of the person’s varied experiences in education, training, work in several organization, changes in occupational field etc. The protean person’s own personal career choices and search for self-fulfillment are the unifying or intergrative elements in his or her life. The criticism of success is internal and not external.

Goals: Freedom and growth, Mobility is high
Success criteria are subjective (psychological success) vs. objective (position, salary level)

Issue                Protean career                Traditional org career
Who’s in charge            Person                    Org
Core values            Freedom, growth             Advancement
Degree of mobility        High                    low
Success criteria            psychological success            Position, level, salary
Key attitudes            work satisfaction, professional         Organizational commitment

Careers-New contract and organizational career management systems:
-No guarantee of: Employment security, Stability in job responsibilities, Defined benefits in pension, Opportunities for hierarchical career movement
-Offer: Continuous learning, Performance based compensation, Increased flexibility in schedules and multitasking, Defined contribution retirement plans that are portable

OCM System :   
-Openness with employees
-Develop and maintain open internal labor markets
-Define identifiable career paths/possibilities/opportunities in the org career path
-Give accurate performance feedback and potential assessment to each employee
-Provide guidance and counseling to assist employees in defining career plans and goals
-Provide access to necessary training and competency development for employees to program toward career objectives.


Job Evaluation

I recently completed the Human Resources for Competitive Advantage class and want to share some notes/ cheat sheets on various topics. Hope these notes will help other students.

Job evaluation:
-Job evaluation is a systematic process of arranging jobs in a hierarchy of relative worth to the organization.
-Provides the basis for pay differentials among jobs

-Establish internal equity
-Employees understand basis for pay
-Setting pays for new jobs
-Rationalize pay setting process
-Basis for resolving disputes over pay

4 methods: grade, ranking, point-factor, factor companion of job evaluation.
Point factor: (hay plan)
-Yields job evaluation points for each compensable factor
-Generate scores for each compensable factor on each job
-Apply weighting scheme
    Aprior weight
    Empiric/ weights

Based on: Know-how, Problem solving, accountability

Stable over time, high agreement with ratings if jobs are carefully defined, documented process

-Time consuming and costly to establish
-Subjective assessment needed to establish point range
-Typically relies on key jobs within the org.


Learning and Development

I recently completed the Human Resources for Competitive Advantage class and want to share some notes/ cheat sheets on various topics. Hope these notes will help other students.

Learning and Development


High leverage training:   
-Linked to strategic business goals and objectives
-Supported by top management
-Relies on international design model to ensure quality and to contain costs
-Compared or benchmarked to program in other org

Continuous learning:   
-Customer needs, quality standards and product specs are constantly changing.
-New competitors entering
-New technologies become readily available

Result: learning of job-related knowledge, skills or behavior and apply in day-to-day activities.

Learning organization:    
-skilled at creating, acquiring and transferring knowledge
-Developing relevant expertise for effective use of knowledge
-Modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge
-Deal effectively with competitive changers and opportunities

-Characteristics: Structure, culture, communication, reward system, attitude.
-Basic principles of learning: motivation, reinforcement, feedback, practice, whole vs part, transfer
-Learning Portal: Online learning
-Informal learning: informal learning of work, Practical skills, Intra personal skills, Interpersonal skills, Cultural awareness


Performance Appraisal

I recently completed the Human Resources for Competitive Advantage class and want to share some notes/ cheat sheets on various topics. Hope these notes will help other students.

Performance appraisal:

Explain and uses:
-Performance appraisal is a measurement technique use in PM system

-Assess and record employee performance in an accurate and consistent manner.
-Provide useful feedback.
-Define how performance can be improved.


Key errors:
-Restriction of range (central tendency, severity) distributional errors.
-Halo error/horn error
-First impression error
-Personal bias
-Regency error
-Similar-to-me (clone) error
-Contrast error
-Spill over error (from past evaluation)

Appraisal methods and formats
-Judgment based:
-Absolute standards (attribute approach) {Standard rating scale, graphic rating scale, free from essay}
-Relative standards (comparative approach) { Employee ranking, forced distribution, paired comparison}
-Objective based methods (objective approach) {Management by objective (MBO) and similar goal based  approaches}
-Behavior based methods (behavior approach) {Critical incidents: Behaviorally Anchored rating scales (BARS), Behavior observation scales (BOS)


Performance Feedback

I recently completed the Human Resources for Competitive Advantage class and want to share some notes/ cheat sheets on various topics. Hope these notes will help other students.

Performance feedback:
-Person’s process output is referred as input
-To adapt to environmental change
-It enables learning
-It can affect feelings, self confidence and self esteem
-Influencing attitudes, behavior and performance
-Critical for org and individual success

Difficult and important ?
-Ability to constructively give and rescue feedback is a professional competency.
-Flatter, high interdependence, team focused, change oriented organization
-Performance feedback process is complex and provokes anxiety for both the manager and the employee, few of us feel comfortable sitting in judgment of others.
-The thought of confronting others with what we perceive to be their deficiencies causes most of us to shake in our shoes,
-If giving negative feedback is painful, receiving it can be excruciating.
-Thus the complexity yet importance of the Performance feedback process

-Directs and motivates behavior
-Has reward value
-Increases self awareness
-Engagement in self assessment
-Enhances individual learning
-Increases perception of power and control
-Increases employee’s sense of involvement
-Helps form career identity and direction

Characteristics of effective performance feedback:
-Job related
-Desired by the recipient
-Checked for understanding
-Credible source
-Allowing choice
-Training program
-Problem solving and 360 degrees performance feedback/ action focused/ key dimensions and precise.


Vegetarian Manchuria - Tasty Indian Dish


  • Grated Cabbage-1cup
  • Grated Carrot-1 cup
  • Grated Spring Onion-1/2cup
  • Green chillies-3 finely chopped
  • Garlic cloves-2 tbsp finely chopped
  • Corn flour-1/2 cup
  • Soya Sauce- 1 tablespoon
  • Salt- as per taste
  • Sugar- 1 teaspoon
  • Pepper powder- 1teaspoon
  • Ajinamoto- a pinch
  • Oil- for deep frying
  • Mix grated cabbage and carrot and make sure to get the water from these by squeezing or by some other method.
  • Add corn flour and salt to the above mixture and mix them good. 
  • Prepare small  and round shaped  parts out of the above prepared mixture
  • Deep fry these parts(manchurias) in oil and take them out when they turn into golder brown
  • Now take a khadai(deep frying pan) and pour two tablespoons of oil
  • After oil gets heated, add garlic, green chillies, spring onion and mix good
  • Add some water, salt, black pepper, ajinamoto, sugar, soyasauce and mix all
  • Let it cook for 5 mins
  • Now add the fried golden brown manchurias 
  • Cook it on low heat for few mins (lets say 5-10 mins).
Thats it...Vegetarain Manchuria is ready...
Serve it hot to your guests...I hope everyone enjoys my dish...


Monday, September 7, 2009

GMAT Download links

Hello Everyone,

Looks like some of the links to GMAT materials that I posted in my previous articles did not work for some of you.

So here is the alternate link on a different server...this time all material in ONE FILE and AT One Place...

Good Luck...



More GMAT Material 2

I am back again....

Below are some more links to some useful GMAT material. As always I DO NOT claim to own these. I have gleaned them over the internet for a long period of time. I am posting all of these material on my blog at one place with a goal of helping future GMAT test takers.


GMAT Practice Grid

OG Reading Comprehension


GRE Material 1

Below are the links to some useful GRE material. As always I DO NOT claim to own these. I have gleaned them over the internet for a long period of time. I am posting all of these material on my blog at one place with a goal of helping future GRE test takers.

SO good luck !!!



Look out for more material...


Saturday, September 5, 2009

West Virginia Casinos

West Virginia Casinos:

For people who love to gamble and cannot afford to go to Las Vegas, here is the good news. There are two great casinos in the West Virigina region, Wheeling Island, Mountaineer Casino, and The Meadows.  I have been to both the casinos and would like to detail my experiences in this article.

Wheeling Island:

Wheeling Island casino is the better of the two casino's according to me. It is fully equipped and loaded with variety of games suitable for all levels of players. It is just off the I-70 W interstate and is a great location for OH, PA, WV other neighboring state game lovers. They have table games too unlike some other WV casinos that include only slot machines and computerized table games.

Wheeling Island casino also has a decent food court and couple of restuarants. It also has a buffet section, but I found the price of the buffet to be very expensive considering the quality of food.

Mountaineer Casino:

Mountaineer casino is also a full-fledged casino with all kinds of games including table games. I think it is an older casino when compared to the Wheeling Island. It also has nice restaurants and a food court. Also has a buffet section with cheaper prices when compared to Wheeling Island.

The only disadvantage is see with this casino is the location. It is location on the local route US 22/30 and is not a pleasant drive for many...

The Meadows:

The Meadows is a smaller casino and has only slot machines and computerized games...Not my type...

So good luck everyone...


Thursday, September 3, 2009

More GMAT test preparation material

Hello Everyone,

I am back again to help you all...Below are more links for GMAT preparation material...

GMAT Word List

GMAT Math Practice Test

800 Score Tests

800 GMAT Test

Good luck on your test...Keep checking back my blog for more tips and resources...

As always I would like to mention that I do not own these material...I have gleaned them over the internet and providing here all at one place in my blog for future test takers...

Good Luck again...


Accounting Basics 1

Below is the basic accounting equation:

Accounting Equation = assets + liabilities-owners equity.

Assets are whatever a business is owned to run a business. Assets are written under debit side of the balance sheet. Examples of assets are cash, accounts recievables, notes recievables, land, office equipments etc.

Liablities are what a business is owed to customers. These are generally written on credit side on the balance sheet. Examples are Accounts Payable, Notes payable, Dividends (if declared) etc

Owners Equity is whatever the company invested to start the business.


CM's Dead body arrived to camp office

More updates on Chief Minister YSR...


Chief Minister's Dead body

More updates on Chief Minister YSR...


YSR Dead - Breaking News

YSR is confirmed dead. Its a tragedy. We lost a great leader.



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chief Minister YSR Missing

Just heard about the news that AP Chief Minister Y S Rajashekar Reddy is missing. I am not sure if this was a planned event by some unknown groups or just a result of bad weather.  I am just thinking it is a result of bad weather because of which they had to make an emergency landing...

Extensive search for finding YSR has already started....For more information..read the following links:

Chiranjeevi's Response:

ChandraBabu Response:



Link to related videos

Hope to hear the good news...


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In this blog you will find simple but great ideas on various topics ranging from food recipes to investment strategies. I hope the ideas presented in this blog will help you all in some way or other. Also included are the recent and hot news around the world...

Go ahead and grasp my ideas...

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