Thursday, October 29, 2009

EJB entity relations onetomany

Using @OneToMany and @ManyToOne entity relationship might sound little difficult and confusing in the beginning but actually it is very easy. I recently used it in one of my projects and it worked great.

Here is how the code in your entities should look like...

Assuming table 1 and table 2 have one to many relationship...then...

in the table 1 have...

    private Collection table2list;
   ..associated getter and setter...

in the table2 have...
@JoinColumn(name = "table2ID", referencedColumnName = "table1ID", insertable=false, updatable=false)
    private table1 table2mapping;

@JoinColumn should be changed depending upon your requirements...
Let me know if you have any questions...


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finance cheat sheet

Reasons for US firms to invest in foreign countries:
1. Fear of import tariffs (in foreign countries)
2. Lower production costs particularly with regards to labor costs
3. Ease of entry because of advanced American technology
4. Tax advantages
5. Strategic considerations->competition
6. International Diversification. In addition to normal business risks, the multinational corporation is faced with foreign exchange risk and political risk.

Difficulties faced in foreign countries:

Complex laws, customs and economic environment, Rates of inflation, Tax rules, Structure and operation of financial institutions, Financial policies and practices, Work habits and wages of laborers
Approximately 60% to 75% of total sales for multinational companies such as IBM, coca cola come from foreign sales (overseas markets)

1. Stands for-> The North American Free Trade Association
2. The goal of NAFTA was to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between the USA, Canada and Mexico.
3. The implementation of NAFTA on January 1, 1994, brought the immediate elimination of tariffs on more than one half of US imports from Mexico and more than one third of US exports to Mexico.
4. NAFTA also seeks to eliminate non-tariff trade barriers.

Synergy -
1. It is the most important nonfinancial motive for a merger
2. Synergy is said to occur when the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. 3. “2+2=5” means Synergy

Why companies selling…Motives of selling stockholders
1. Desire to receive acquiring firm’s stock which may have greater acceptability in the market.
2. Provides opportunity to diversify their holdings.
3Gain on sale of stock at an attractive price
4. Attractive post-merger management contracts as well as directorships 5. Bias against smaller businesses

1. A Merger is a combination of two or more companies in which the resulting firm maintains the identity of the acquiring company. On the other hand a Consolidation is a two or more companies form an entirely new entity. So do not get confused and think that Merger and Consolidation or same.
2. Motives of Mergers. Financial Motives-risk reduction as a result of portfolio effect, improved financing posture, obtain a tax loss carryforward, higher value of the firm, strengthen cash position and/or improve debt/equity ratio, greater access to financial markets to raise debt and equity capital, lower required rate of return by investors. Non Financial Motives- Expand management and marketing capabilities, acquire new products, synergism.

Mergers – two types –Horizontal Integration => the acquisition of competitors Vertical integration => the acquisition of buyers or sellers of goods and services to the company.

Merger is mentioned in accounting books in two ways: Pooling of interests => In this scenario, the financial statements of the firms are combined and no goodwill is created. Purchase of assets => In this scenario, the offer is in cash, bonds, preferred stock or common stock and goodwill is created.

A warrant is an option to buy a stated number of shares of stock at a specified price over a given period. They are attached to debt securities because of the following reasons:
1. Sweetens or enhances a debt issue.
2. Usually detachable
3.Speculative; value depended on market movement of stock 3. Add-on in a merger or acquisition
4. Equity base expands when warrants are exercised but the underlying debt remains 5. Cannot be forced with a call, but the exercise price is sometimes “stepped-up”

Convertible Bonds-
1. At issue, investors pay a conversion premium, and the price of the convertible exceeds both the pure bond value and the conversion value
2. The convertible bond’s value is limited on the downside by its pure bond value. 3. The value of the convertible bond as a straight bond is called pure bond value 4. If the market price of the common stock exceeds the conversion price, the market value of the bond will rise above its par value to the conversion value or higher. 5. Convertibles are usually subject to a call provision
6. Interest rates on convertibles are less than on nonconvertible straight bonds of the same risk.
7. The pure bond value will fall if interest rates rise.

Conversion Premium
1. It is the market value of convertible bond minus the larger of conversion value or pure bond value.
If Conversion value > pure bond value then

Conversion Premium = Market Value of the convertible bond – Conversion Value
If Pure bond value > Conversion Value then

Conversion Premium = Market Value of the convertible bond – Pure Bond Value

Maturity Stage of a firm:

1.Mature firms follow a relatively high payout policy.
2. Maturity stage is the fourth and final stage in the life cycle growth and dividends process.
3. In the maturity stage the firm maintains a stable sales growth rate and cash dividends tend to be 35%-50% of earnings.
4. Moderate to high cash dividends in this stage.
5. When risk premiums are considered, its returns on assets level out to those of industry and the economy.

Investors choices-

1. Investors in high marginal tax brackets usually prefer companies that reinvest most of their earnings.
2. Investors in lower marginal tax brackets will have a greater preference for dividend, since the tax penalty is less at lower marginal tax rates


Eggplant (Vankaya) Tomato Curry

In all vegetables egg plant is one of the tasty and healthy vegetable. In telugu it is called as Vankaya. now iam going to show you an easy and tasty vankaya tomato curry recipe.


egg plants (medium size) - 6 ( cut into length wise)

Tomatoes- 3

Green chillies- 4


red chillie powder-1tablespoon

Ginger garlic paste- 1 teaspoon

jeera -1/2 teaspoon

turmeric- a pinch

salt- as per taste

coconut powder-1 tablespoon

corriander- for garnishing

oil- 2 tablespoons


Put a vessel on the stove on medium heat and pour oil

after oil gets heated add jeera

after it gets splutter add onions and cover lid

after onions becomes transparent add green chillies, ginger garlic paste, turmeric, chilli powder

Mix everything good and add egg plant mix it once

Now add tomatoes mix everything good and cover it with a lid

if it becomes dry add some water

after tomatoes gets mashed up and egg plant get cooked take the lid and add coconut powder and let the gravy becomes thick

finally garnish with corriander leaves and off the stove

Delicious egg plant tomato curry is ready to serve

Tip: Serve it with White rice or chapathi.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Multiple Persistence Units in JAVA EE project

Hello All,

If you are trying to create multiple persistence units in your JAVA EE project...the below is how you do it...I recently had to do this for one of my projects and it worked great...

Persistence.xml should look like below


In the entity manager bean class you have to clearly specify which PU is the entity using...something like shown below...


let me know if you have any questions...


Thursday, October 8, 2009

tomahawk datatable getrowdata

If you are using a tomahawk datatable and wanting to implement a commandlink column...the below is how you get rowdata and relevant key of the row...

1. The link in the column should like below...


2. Code inside the managed bean should look as follows:

    public void mymethod(ActionEvent ae) {

    MyBean mybean = null;

    UIComponent tmpComponent = ae.getComponent();

    while (null != tmpComponent && !(tmpComponent instanceof UIData)) {
      tmpComponent = tmpComponent.getParent();

    if (tmpComponent != null && (tmpComponent instanceof UIData)) {
      Object tmpRowData = ((UIData) tmpComponent).getRowData();
      if (tmpRowData instanceof MyBean) {
        mybean = (MyBean) tmpRowData;
         //now that you have your bean populated...
         //get the key id or any other value you want...
    //exception handling here...

Let me know if you need any help...


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tomahawk datatable sorting


If you are trying to use sorting on Tomahawk datatable, I suggest that you use the latest tomahawk jar file. The one that worked for me is tomahawk-1.1.9.jar

1. there is no need to write any additional code in the backing bean

2. your column should look in the following format...the below is just an example...

In the above code notice that sortable=true takes care of everything...also notice that by setting arrow=true would have eliminated the additional code of including your own images...

let me know if you have any questions...


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